Five-Fold Today What Do I Require Of You? - The Revival From God - Houses Of Freedom - Strange Prophets - Deny Yourself - Abide in Me and I Will Abide in You - The Time of Drought Is Over

July 11, 2001

What Do I Require Of You?

He has shown you, O Man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. Micah 6:8

So many of My children are asking why am I here? Does my life have any meaning or purpose? You do not feel fulfilled and you are seeing failure. My Word says that I have a plan and purpose for you and that I created you with that plan and purpose in mind. Fulfillment? Some of you are so busy doing anything and everything that comes into your heart and mind, looking for fulfillment to meet your innermost needs. But you know in your heart that apart from Me, you will not find fulfillment. My servant Solomon was the wisest man alive, but wound up in emptiness because he "indulged himself with life" and at the end of his life, he felt that life was 'meaningless.' If you think that you can find fulfillment with money, with 'every' kind of pleasure, with works, with possessions - you will come to the same end as Solomon, hating life and emptiness filling your life. If you are as Solomon and leave Me out of guiding your life, your destiny is emptiness, just as Solomon.

Many of you see yourself as a failure ... When you see yourself next to My Son, Jesus Christ the Anointed One, the Messiah, you also see yourself as a failure. BUT, My Beloved, don't you understand? My Son took on Himself ALL your sins - AND - ALL your failures! You see, Beloved, the I AM, "PROVIDED" for your failures, the I AM, "PROVIDED" for your sins. " I " was IN MY SON, "reconciling" you TO MYSELF. --- Have you received My Son? Do you believe on MY PROVIDING LOVE IN CHRIST? Are you saying yes? THEN, you can "BELIEVE ON HIM WHO I HAVE SENT." Because when you are believing AND accepting that "HE" took upon Himself All your sins and failures and died for you, and that you are yourself personally redeemed -THEN -MY SON COMES WITH POWER !!! If you ponder, you will see that this power "HAS" been changing you, little by little, step by step, taking away the old nature and giving you HIS new nature. And thus, you will do what is pleasing to ME.

Many of you are measuring yourselves by others, when you should be measuring yourselves by THE MESSIAH, for ONLY IN MY SON, can you find why I created you, can you find your purpose, can you find what I require AND find fulfillment for your life. I created the universe, the lands, the animals, and I created YOU ! And when you feel empty and useless and a failure, reach for your Master's hand and yield to the power of HIS Spirit. For when MY hand is upon you - you can face ANY situation and ANY circumstances.

So, you say, "What do I require of you?" First of all, let go of tradition. My church is in a stranglehold of tradition. MY SON - CONSTANTLY, encountered tradition. You as an individual, must 'loose' yourself of tradition. "What do I require of you?" FEAR YOUR GOD ... "What do I require of you?" KNOW THAT I AM SOVEREIGN ... Do NOT be concerned about what man does, for despite man, I CAN and WILL do MY sovereign work. "What do I require of you?" That not matter what is happening to you, remaining "faithful" to ME - KNOWING - I have not forgotten you. ALIGN YOUR WORDS WITH MY WORDS AND THEN I WILL BE ABLE TO MOVE IN YOUR BEHALF AND YOU WILL GET THE THINGS THAT YOU ASK FOR, THE DESIRES OF YOUR HEART, --- THEREFORE - CHOOSE YOUR WORDS CAREFULLY !!!

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WHAT DO I REQUIRE OF YOU? It's quite simple, "DO JUSTICE, LOVE KINDNESS AND WALK HUMBLY WITH YOUR GOD." Are you being just? Are you dealing fairly with people? Not "appearing" to be be fair, but to "do justice." If you see injustice, what do you do? Are you walking in lovingkindness? I have lovingkindness toward you and what I have toward you I require you to have for others. I have forgiven you, I require you to forgive others. I have been patient with you, I require you to be patient with others. I love you wholly and completely, I require you to love others - not only the ones who love you back but to love your enemies as well AND remembering - that you must always temper judgment with mercy even as I, show My mercy to you. - I am there when you need Me, I require you to be there when others need you. What do I require of you? Walk humbly with Me. I am walking with you, allow yourself to walk along with Me. Wherever you go and whatever you do, walk with Me. What do I require of you? Being faithful, trusting in MY righteousness and relying on the "power" of MY mercy.


Are you doing justice? Are you showing lovingkindness? Do you fear MY Name? Then you shall walk humbly with your God!

Olivia Long

The Revival From God

by Undrai Fizer

The revival of God will not be scheduled at 7:30 nightly. It will not be given to the "record" of a spiritual giant that we all know and love. It will not be confined to a building or an edifice. It will not have a copyrighted trademark or logo to represent it. There will not be speakers that travel across the country to show others how to "do church like us."

It will not be another spectacle to imitate, duplicate, or affiliate with. It will not produce a superstar. It will not produce a book or a pamphlet. It will create a never ending river of anointing and transformation. It will create a tangible relationship with the people of God. The manifestation of His Spirit will speak for itself.

It will create an environment of people who have gotten sick of not being friends with one another, and they will know that they cannot go on this way. It will develop a stir within a religious man, and cause him to love God passionately, and not legally.

It will cause the lost not to blame the "church" anymore for it's failure in its outreach to them. They will see that they are to blame for their own struggle and failure, and the repentant heart will find the Father for their salvation.

God's revival will be a supernatural wave of conviction, hunger, spiritual dryness and spiritual thirst. It will be a manifold connection of disturbances in homes, careers, and relationships. It will happen in the realm of the private. It will happen in the sleep times of some, and also in the rising up of others. It will be a revival of thought and inward examination, even when others choose not to say so. It will be the silent hand of God that will produce a change that have cost us trillions of dollars when we tried to do it ourselves.

God's revival will raise up men and women who are silent to the world, but loud and clear to Him. They will know how to live silently and produce a conviction, just by them living in the city. Their thoughts toward the Father will release a fragrance of His Presence within the nation.

Their hunger that seems to go unsatisfied, will "create a satisfaction in the Father's Bosom," and He will feed the nations by the awesome experience of conviction. Silent conviction. The Presence of God will slowly consume the earth and there will be a "prodding of the spirit of man."

It will not happen on a "Sunday"! It will not happen on a "church night." It will happen during the times of men. The Spirit will invade the space of man, in a way that only He can do.

There will be sudden weeping on jobs. Executives will just sit in a daze at their desk, pondering within themselves, "where do I go from here?" It will effect fellowships as well. They will not meet on the regular "nights." There will be a spirit of breaking bread together and enjoying one another, forgiving one another. "Even as God for Christ sake," Eph.4:32. And the families (churches) will grow daily from this new love, and they will be added to.

God will walk in this nation. The Spirit of God Himself shall walk among His people. silently. God will produce a sound that will pierce not only the ears of mankind, but the soul of mankind. He will walk among this nation. He will dance to the sounds of worship that He has received from all whose hearts love Him. And in His dance and in His Praise, He shall produce a revival of silent conviction.

And the earth will know that the Father is here..

Undrai & Bridget Fizer

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Houses Of Freedom

Don Franklin

The Church is starving for your presence, Lord, starving for your miracles, God, starving for your actuality of your presence in their lives. All they receive is the bread of the Pharisees, Lord, the leaven, the Law. The leaven of Law kills, God. It can't bring life; it never has. The rule of law never brings life: "do this; do that; don't do this; don't do that."

God, pour out the tender mercies of David on your Church. Open up the gates of the house of David and let the blood of Christ touch your people and wash them and set them free, God. Set your people free from the bondages of Levitical priesthood: of Pharisees and scribes and Sadducees and laws and rules and dos and don'ts. Bring them into the love of God; bring them into the heart of God. God, bring them into the freedom of the Holy Ghost.

Take the law; take the yoke of bondage off the neck of your people, God. Father, we appeal to you for mercy. Take the bondage off the church in America. Take the yoke of tyrannical leadership off of their necks, God. Let them feel the freedom and the power of the Holy Ghost. God, there are millions trying to press forward and reach Christ and they can't get through the Pharisees. They can't get through the Sadducees. They can't get through the temple and the priesthood to touch the living Christ!

Father, we pray, release across America tonight the anointing of the Lord, to go out into the highways and byways and bring them in and settle them in a new way, in a new church, in a new era, in a new form of leadership, God, where people care about people. When someone's missing they go out and get them; they don't talk about them! If they can't pay their bills they go help them; they don't leave them to be picked off by the wolves. Raise up shepherds after the heart of David, God, I pray - men that love people, men that love the flock, men who would give their lives for someone who is not in church, men who would go to any extreme to make peace in the family - peacemakers, God, men who value the unity of the Spirit above their pride, their ministry, their anointing, their calling - men who value the unity of the brethren.

Oh, God, hear our cry, Lord. Hear our cry, Lord. Is our cry just? Is our cry biblical? Is our cry scriptural, God? Then I pray you put it in ascendancy above the other cries that are up to you, that you hear our cry according to the scriptural grounds, according the merits of the Scripture. If we are in line with your will, your intent, and your heart, God, then hear what we speak this night to your ears: the cry for deliverance of your people - those that love you in America, those that love you around this planet - that they be found with a new shepherd, that the Shepherd of Israel would come to the flock and that He would minister to them, that He would have control of them, that his gentle hand would be upon the bruised, the wounded, the afflicted.

God, everybody they pray for in Church, dies! It's pathetic. The last place I'd come to get prayed for is a church. Everyone they pray for dies in the house of God: cancers are not eliminated, people are not healed. There is no flowing of your magic here, God, of your power, of your anointing in the American church; it's dead for the most part. It's been stripped of its ability; it's traded it in for commercialism, for money, for power, for prestige.

God, return, once again to the basics of Scripture, the basics of your anointing. Bring us back, God. Bring us back to men and women who love, love your people, who love your Word, who put mercy and grace above law, who put the love of God above their ministries, who like Christ are willing to give their lives for the people and are willing to even defy the authorities to minister to the people. They told Jesus to shut up; He simply left and went out on the hillsides and brought more people in. Oh, they couldn't stop what he was doing. Raise up men and women of that caliber, God. Raise them up, Lord. We've seen how churches can be raised up swiftly, God. We need houses in America of Freedom.

God, set this country on fire, God. Lord, if you're going to set Ireland, you're going to set Australia, you're going to set different nations on fire, I pray you start with this thing here. Burn America from one end to the other, God. Burn it, God; burn it; set it on fire. From Maine to California, from the Dakotas to the Floridas, God. Burn this nation with the torch of the Holy Ghost. Raise up evangelists that can crisscross this nation starting fires in the House of God! God, Lord Jesus, remember your remnant, I pray. There are people in this country who want the real thing, God. They don't want to stop at just a certain level of Christianity, but they want to go all the way, the way the Lord did; they want to follow a true example: laying down their lives for the brethren, laying down their lives for the Church.

Oh God, bring freedom back into your Church, back into your people - freedom. freedom. Take the fear out of coming to church, Lord. Take the fear out of coming to church, God. Take the tyranny out of it all, Lord. Let us feel our Father's House: to be at peace, to be at joy in this house, to be at rest in the House of the Lord. God, drive all dissension, drive all bitterness, fighting and division out of the House of God and back into the house of strife where it belongs.

Raise up Holy Ghost men with rods of iron in their hand and compassion of God in their heart. Oh Lord, I pray you start turning dictators over in America. Turn their thrones over; kick them out of power. Kick the dictatorial leadership out of the body of Christ. Begin the beginning of their decline, God. Even this night, put a slippery slide under it, Lord. Take them out and put shepherds of flesh in there, shepherds with kind hearts, Lord. Ah, there's too much business in the church, Lord; there's too much nonsense. It takes the place of anointing is what it does. It takes the place of the real thing, Lord. "When you don't have the real thing, you have to stick something in there."

God, oh raise them up, Lord. Raise them up, God. You've been preparing them for years, Lord. God, you've been working on vessels for twenty years. Ah, I pray, turn them loose this coming year. Turn these nameless faceless men loose in America, God, to reek havoc from one end of this nation to the other - turning things upside down in the House of God!

God, let loose the "spirit of Jeremiah" upon the Church. Let loose the spirit of Jeremiah upon the church, God - rebuking powerful prophets, God, to come set the house in order - the Spirit of the ancient prophets, God, and I'm not talking about "I see this", "I see that" but men of valor, men of power, men of authority in the spirit that come with the word of the Lord to set the house in order. God, their nay is nay, and their yea is yea, and they have power in their words; what they say is so. They turn things upside down and none can gainsay nor resist the wisdom of the Holy Ghost that's in them.

Oh, your people are crying for leadership - godly leadership, Holy Ghost leadership, not church, but Holy Ghost men and women of God, men and women who know how to hear God, walk with God, obey God - not foolish, not dictatorial, but Holy Ghost men and women that can't be bought or sold or scared off of their callings.

Oh God, we long for a better day, Lord, in the House of God - a stronger day, a powerful anointing. We long to touch the things we've read about, God. We read about these things, we want to touch them, and walk in them; we long for men to teach us of them, Lord. Where are the Isaiahs? Where are the Jeremiahs? Where are the Ezekiels and the Daniels? Where are the Pauls and Peters and James and Johns? Where are they, God? Where are our mentors? Where are those who know their God and can do exploits? Where's the power of God? Where are the ancient men of God? Why is the House bereft of leadership, God? Where are the mighty men of valor? Where are the mentors, Lord?

Why is there such an anemic leadership, God, such a powerless anointing in the churches? God, where are the men? Ah, gutless wonders, Lord, backbiters, compromisers, flooding the House of God with nonsense, seeking their money, seeking their positions and their fortunes! Where are the men of God? Where are the champions of the Lord - mighty men of valor? Oh, Lord, bring forth that which you've been hiding, God. I know they're there. I know there are men in this nation who have not given in, that have not caved in, that have not bought the lies. Bring them forth, Lord, bring them forth. Bring men that can slap mantles on the waters, Lord, and split the rivers. Bring the prophets of God.

Oh, how long, oh Lord? How long? How long will the church have to wait? How long will your people, Lord, have to wait? We don't ask in arrogance, God, but we call upon your name tonight for only that which you can give; only you can give this and it can only happen when you give it, so we don't demand anything, Lord, but we ask, we beseech you earnestly, that the day would come swiftly, that you would release your power in this nation, that you would unveil the men and women you've been hiding. Take the counterfeit away, God. Take this nonsense that we call church, out of our sight, and bring to us that which comes from Christ, that comes from the Lord himself. Ah, bring forth the hidden treasures of the royalty of Christ. Bring forth the mantles of ancient Israel. Flood this nation with your grace, your power and your glory. Shine, Jesus shine, fill this land with your grace and your power.

A Prayer of Intercession by Don Franklin Recorded @ CHC Harp&Bowl Mtg. 7/06/01
Hear it at:

Strange Prophets

by Pam Clark

God is Master of the Unusual but not always of the bizarre. Many people look to God to do a judging work, yet somehow justify themselves as out of that judgment. It's easy to point the finger and notice someone else's flaws, but can they stand the same light of accusation against themselves? If my brother's mistakes are so noticeable, what is the path that my own is not seen, or are they?

One thing God-called prophets get good at is discerning motives. It goes along side the gift of discerning of spirits - knowing or discerning the source of the action, whether be it God, man's flesh, or evil spirits. If a man sets himself up as judge, it sometimes is pretty obvious that "he is setting himself up as God in the temple of God," but his god is not God.

While true prophets can be friends of God, paying the price of dying to the flesh to choose His will over theirs, some others become "pals" and "advisors." Many do this inadvertently, actually noticing a true shortcoming or error or flaw, but then take His Seat rather than their seat in heavenly places. Until we pay the price of Jesus the Servant, we cannot exert the rule of Jesus the Judge.

Some may discern God's ways in nature or acts but is it redemptive? Or do they just notice sin, discerning the evil consequences of such and pronouce judgment on what God has already judged? Rather than being intercessors, they become accusers and proclaim death rather than repentance and redemption for life. It's as if sometimes the repentence is to be unto them rather than to God, and in effect, presuming upon and usurping His Authority. We should be trained up.

When we become One in Christ, and there are aspects of that today, we can pronounce and proclaim and decree and declare as He has and does. But if it divides and disects the Body, then it's not pure ministry. If the price of death is not paid for Life, if submission is to man's will and flesh rather than holiness, we have missed it somehow.

And thus we will get strange prophets (and other ministers) who minister out of a faulty doctrine. Most are blind to it, but some are not and when confronted, reveal themselves by the fruit. Some can be so attractive on the "outside" yet working the fruit of death. The Bible warns that Satan comes as an angel of light, attractive, appearing righteous but with death as his purpose, to kill, steal and destroy.

But if we know the True, we can discern the false. There is no need for us to walk in fear over this if we know the Truth, if we know the Scriptures and if we know the Spirit of the Living God. So God is going to judge an area? OK, so what? Will it bring forth life, or death?

It's true God will tear down to build something up properly with man. But He is also looking for the "ten righteous ones" in the city through intercession (as Abraham) before He condemns those who through their innocence might live.

Is God going to bless an area? OK, so what? How good will it be? Will it be for whosoever will? Who will it lift up?

If we forget there is an evil one to contend with (and oh, I know we would like to forget!), we will miss our dominion in the Spirit of God. But we can't afford to forget because our enemy is strong against this Companion of Christ. But He (our Lord Jesus) has overcome with a heart of love and expects us to do the same. It is challenging, but it is Life!

The Church is forever biting on itself. It is forever pointing out the deadness and death of what it has while not bringing forth life. It has an accusatory mouth with no plan for redemption or restoration. It is time to leave such accusations and ask for the true prophets of God for His Work. It's a true prophetic spirit.

It is true that many of us have been hurt by a system that limited us or denied God's definition of our lives. The local church is famous for exerting control and ties beyond the Scriptural bounds. But it is up to us to shake free through the gift of His Word and anointing (through prayer) which has the full ability to set us free. The problem is that many of us just do not want to change. We fear it, yet it is our life.

How can we come into our callings and destiny if we never leave the land of bondage? How can we enter the Promised Land if Egypt is comfortable? We complain loudly but do not exalt that which is right. And thus we never enter in.

What have we missed? What are we missing? What lack of agreement is holding us back? What glories and releases do we not see because instead of loving, we are accusing, even judging that which is our own? Why do we not know what redemptive tough love is?

What are we afraid of, that God will fail?

Pam Clark

Deny Yourself

George Guntermann

Three things required. Luke 9:21-27

Have you ever noticed how little you have heard this passage preached in mainstream churches and media churches today? And, yet it is the place where Jesus makes it the crystal clearest what is required to be a disciple of His. There are three things required: First, "deny" yourself. Second, take up your "cross" DAILY. Third "follow" Jesus. Let's take them one at a time. What does it mean to "deny" yourself? That is not natural is it? No. Of course not. It is SUPERNATURAL! It can ONLY BE DONE IN THE POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT! You know. That guy that really doesn't do anything anymore, since the apostles died! There is no way that I can tell YOU what "denying" yourself means. The Word of God will shine the light on your failures to deny yourself and the Holy Spirit will make you able to do it. The only thing that remains is, will you agree to do it. Will you agree to subject every one of your personal opinions, attitudes, comforts, ideals, convictions, possessions, pastimes, political agendas, etc. etc. etc. to Jesus? IF you will, the Holy Spirit will go you work for you to get that done. It may take longer than you think. If you are like me, you will find your SELF is a lot more stubborn than you ever wanted to admit. But, the ONLY way you can save your eternal life, is to give it up to Jesus. He is the only one who knows how to guard it from the enemy. Now, what does it mean to, "take up his cross daily?" Again, I can't tell you what that means. Only you can decide to do it for Jesus and let the Holy Spirit show you each day, what that means. That means you hold your own calendar and agenda very loosely, and you spend the early quiet time with Jesus to tune in to His frequency every day for your instructions. You can BE Mr. Phelps with your own daily 'Mission Impossible." Think your life is dull? Get on board THIS train! And, what does it mean to "follow me." Let's be practical. Can you follow someone you can't see? Can you follow someone you can't hear? Can you follow someone you can't recognize? Well, then, you had better get very serious about asking Jesus how you can see Him, hear Him and know Him better! Right! And, then, once you've got that all straight, you are ready to go forward on the greatest adventure ever recorded. You are ready to be used of Jesus Christ, every day. In personal relationship with Him. Wearing His insignia. Marching to His drum. Serving with water for the thirsty, food for the hungry, healing for the sick, restoration for the injured, deliverance for the slaves, power over devils, dominion over the grave and a whole lot of hurt for the devil! Lord, Jesus, we are in Your recruiting station. We will become Your remnant army. Please train us and lead us forward. Amen.

Abide in Me and I Will Abide in You

John Brzozowski

It has been our experience in our little church that God sometimes comes upon us and sometimes speaks to us to "break our hearts" so that we will continue to be open to His working in our lives, so that He can fulfill what He has promised, both corporately and individually. He has been reminding us that He is the Pearl of Great Price, and not His gifts or His blessings. Let us encourage each other daily....

Will you walk with me?
Will you talk with me?
Will you eat with me?
Will you dance with me?

Will you live with me?
Will you talk with me?
Will you listen to me?

For my people have visited me long enough. They seem like such short visits. For I come to my people and I say, "Where is my portion? Where is the honor that is due me?" For I am like the ruler of a great household and I care and I wean my children and they grow and go each one in their own direction. But my people never leave my household. For those who abide with Me and I with them, I will bless them that bless Me. The Light will never leave their household. For I will no longer bribe my children to come to my presence. But those who come will be richly rewarded.

I am building a people who will be steadfast in Me and centered in Me, who will strive to live out My life in them. They will find their security in Me. They will be free to go hither and yon because they are centered in Me. Earthly things will not have domination. They will sell all earthly things and find the Pearl of Great Price.

For I am come to set you in your place, to establish you in your place. There are still places that are vacant. I look and I do not see all that I have set in place. So, I have come to re-establish and refine. For many say, "that is too large a place for me". And others say, "I do not know [my place]". But be assured, you will know and you will inhabit the place I have set for you in Me. I will reveal myself and stand alongside of you. We will sow together and reap together for My life will inhabit My people. I have declared it and it will be so. My house will be a house of praise and worship and glory. There will no longer be any drifting in and out and I will expand in the place that I have set you.

The Time of Drought Is Over

Bev Robinson

Last summer Texas experienced one of the longest droughts ever recorded, and now we are observing the trees and limbs that did not survive and rejoicing over the ones that did. I should have known what was happening because first the natural then the spiritual but it snuck (good old Texas word) up on me:


Drought gets rid of the growth whose roots have not gone deep enough to find life sustaining water. The deadwood that resulted will now be cut down and thrown into the fire. It will no longer sap your strength, and be attached to fall in times of strong winds or storms, and injure the ones who least suspect or deserve it. You didn't know dead wood was forming as you were so concerned with maintaining life in the time of drought. That is good because you were seeking and knocking. Now is the time of finding. You are finding Me and my ways. I never lost you. My protective eye has been on you. All of this is a part of my plan of maturing you. Jesus also went through a time of seeming brass skies. He learned obedience through His suffering. He suffered the most just before the greatest miracle that the world has ever known. Now is your time of manifested miracles. NOW is the season you have been waiting for.

Psalm 1:1-3 “How blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked, nor stand in the path of sinners, nor sit in the seat of scoffers! But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and in His law he meditates day and night. And he will be like a tree firmly planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither; and in whatever he does, he prospers.”

Five-Fold Today Archives

The Lord has given us the grace to reconcile the children to their Fathers

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  • Harvest the Fruit of the Latter Rain
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