Five-Fold Today - Denunciation - Extreme Commissioning - Consecrate Yourselves - Re-Incarnation of Church - Deliverance Comes By Deliverers - Vision of Trees - A New Garden and a New Government - Prophetic Encouragement

September 18, 2000


Jay Atkinson

Now is the time for denunciation, a time when exciting words are summoning those of like minds to burn the chaff of the final harvest. It is in the Queen of the South rising to condemn this generation by loosing the purse strings of the north and taking from her what she has stolen. Those that are oppressed rise up with stinging rebuke of exploitation, idolatry, tyranny, forbidding to buy and sell, sanctions, embargoes, favored status, violence, zero-tolerance, weaponry, avarice, accumulation, usury and the sin of unrighteous mammon. Aim those arrows of truth at the nature of the beast and his Babylonian whore; do not spare them, repay them for their deceitful lawyers, lying politicians and multi-national thieves.

The great Day of the Lord is near, days of war and desolation, days of wrath and trouble and distress, waste, darkness and gloom. Thick, black clouds will soon darken the earth, let your light shine through to denounce the oppression. The laborers of the field are crying out but their families are still not fed. They pick your coffee and make your shoes. They enrichen you and build your economy but are left in poverty. Woe to you rich man, the Lord hears their cries and will come to their aid at your expense. The Day of the Lord is near. The Lord is searching the congregation with candles even now and is preparing His Bride. Remove the leaven and set the trumpet to your lips, denounce them and do not fear. God is bringing distress upon the foolish who have not trimmed their lamps. They sin against My people, saith the Lord. I will punish you with the fire of My jealousy. Now follow on to know Me, my children, for I desire mercy, not sacrifice.

Oh my church - do not think that you will escape; judgment begins with you. You will see Me lead My people away from your congregations and into the streets. Ministers will weep between the porch and the altar. See my faithful remnant even now with the desire to flee into the neighborhoods, taking My tithes and giving to the poor instead of your building programs and hireling preachers. You have resisted My Spirit long enough. I have given you space and you did not repent.

Rise up, Elijahs and Enochs and Deborahs. New forces will gather to a head in Babylon. The enemy knows that the time is short. The hearts of Christians throughout the world will burn with the fierce flame of indignation against the abominations of a tyrannous and idolatrous nation and her allies. The war has started. These are as the times of old when the Temple of the Lord is trampled upon by Gentiles. We will all join in the denunciation of her prophets who have become treacherous and of her priests who have polluted the sanctuary as they protect the marketplace. As we cast them out, we are being charged with turning the world upside down. By My Spirit Saith the Lord. Humble yourselves and receive the anointing and power; lift your hearts in praise and intercede for the strength of your brothers and sisters. As My Army, the prophetic spirit within you must be heard to relieve the tension of your spirit by bursting into an apocalyptic denunciation with sudden doom against the careless crimes of Mystery Babylon.

Jay Atkinson

Extreme Commissioning

Jana Alcorn

This is My time of extreme commissioning. I am going to use those whose names are not known, nor do they desire to be known. Many will be marked with a zeal and a passion that shall bring radical change. I am sending ones that are willing to be sent. I am gathering those that desire to be clothed with an anointing that will break them out of the box of religious creeds. They will not be confined. It is time to loose them and let them go so that the Master can carry them whithersoever He desires. If you hold them, you will lose them. All souls are mine. All sheep are mine. The Kingdom net will be full.

Don't be afraid of the new order. Don't be afraid of the revolutionary ones. Utilize the power of passion and send them forth. Yes, this is my time of extreme commissioning. It is breaking out and it is building! You will stand and exclaim that a move of God is at hand and the nets will break, says the Lord. There shall be a networking that shall come because the harvest is so great. Prepare and prepare now. Prepare for immediate occupancy, says the Lord, for there is a breakout on the horizon!

Consecrate Yourselves

A Johnson

"My beloved people, consecrate yourselves before the Lord. Behold, My signs, wonders and outpouring of the Spirit are about to come on you in a mighty way. If you are faithful to Me, I will abide by you and show you signs and wonders and things to come. My people are entering into a new phase with me. The ones who seek My face and desire My communion and have been faithful, I am going to move on and reveal things that right now you cannot even imagine. I am going to raise you up to levels that have not been seen since the time of Moses and Joshua. These are the times spoken of in the end where your sons and daughters will prophecy and My Spirit will be poured out upon you. Behold, the angels of the Lord will encamp about you with bowls of oil to pour upon your heads with My holy gifts and words. You will behold a wall of fire round about you and a victory and protection from the enemy such as we have not yet seen in this time. My faithful and anointed will walk about this earth and the demons will be tormented and My people will have the authority over them with just a word and they will obey. The anointing to heal and deliver will be imparted to a handkerchief and they will be healed as did My apostle Paul and the people's hearts will be filled with My love, compassion and mercy. Their tongues will be filled with LIFE and not death, blessings and not cursing, words of encouragement will pour forth from their mouths and the body of Christ will be edified in such a way as I have always desired! Praise our Great God Jehovah!"


Fifteen Theses towards a Re-Incarnation of Church

Wolfgang Simson

God is changing the Church, and that, in turn, will change the world. Millions of Christians around the world are aware of an imminent reformation of global proportions. They say, in effect: Church as we know it is preventing Church as God wants it. A growing number of them are surprisingly hearing God say the very same things. There is a collective new awareness of age-old revelations, a corporate spiritual echo. In the following 15 Theses I will summarize a part of this, and I am convinced that it reflects a part of what the Spirit of God is saying to the Church today. For some, it might be the proverbial pea-sized cloud on Elijahs sky. Others already feel the pouring rain.

1. Church is a Way of Life, not a series of religious meetings
Before they where called Christians, followers of Christ have been called The Way. One of the reasons was, that they have literally found the way to live. The nature of Church is not reflected in a constant series of religious meetings lead by professional clergy in holy rooms specially reserved to experience Jesus, but in the prophetic way followers of Christ live their everyday life in spiritually extended families as a vivid answer to the questions society faces, at the place where it counts most: in their homes.

2. Time to change the system
In aligning itself to the religious patterns of the day, the historic Orthodox Church after Constantine in the 4th century AD adopted a religious system which was in essence Old Testament, complete with priests, altar, a Christian temple (cathedral), frankincense and a Jewish, synagogue-style worship pattern. The Roman Catholic Church went on to canonize the system. Luther did reform the content of the gospel, but left the outer forms of church remarkably untouched; the Free-Churches freed the system from the State, the Baptists then baptized it, the Quakers dry-cleaned it, the Salvation Army put it into a uniform, the Pentecostals anointed it and the Charismatics renewed it, but until today nobody has really changed the superstructure. It is about time to do just that.

3. The Third Reformation
In rediscovering the gospel of salvation by faith and grace alone, Luther started to reform the Church through a reformation of theology. In the 18th century through movements like the Moravians there was a recovery of a new intimacy with God, which led to a reformation of spirituality, the Second Reformation. Now God is touching the wineskins themselves, initiating a Third Reformation, a reformation of structure.

4. From Church-Houses to house-churches
Since New Testament times, there is no such thing as a house of God. At the cost of his life, Stephen reminded unequivocally: God does not live in temples made by human hands. The Church is the people of God. The Church, therefore, was and is at home where people are at home: in ordinary houses. There, the people of God: share their lives in the power of the Holy Spirit, have meatings, that is, they eat when they meet; they often do not even hesitate to sell private property and share material and spiritual blessings, teach each other in real-life situations how to obey Gods word dialogue- and not professor-style, pray and prophesy with each other, baptize, lose their face and their ego by confessing their sins, regaining a new corporate identity by experiencing love, acceptance and forgiveness.

5. The church has to become small in order to grow big
Most churches of today are simply too big to provide real fellowship. They have too often become fellowships without fellowship. The New Testament Church was a mass of small groups, typically between 10 and 15 people. It grew not upward into big congregations between 20 and 300 people filling a cathedral and making real, mutual communication improbable. Instead, it multiplied sidewards like organic cells once these groups reached around 15-20 people. Then, if possible, it drew all the Christians together into citywide celebrations, as with Solomon's Temple court in Jerusalem. The traditional congregational church as we know it is, statistically speaking, neither big nor beautiful, but rather a sad compromise, an overgrown house-church and an under-grown celebration, often missing the dynamics of both.

6. No church is led by a Pastor alone
The local church is not lead by a Pastor, but fathered by an Elder, a local person of wisdom and reality. The local house-churches are then networked into a movement by the combination of elders and members of the so-called five-fold ministries (Apostles, Prophets, Pastors, Evangelists and Teachers) circulating from house to house, whereby there is a special foundational role to play for the apostolic and prophetic ministries (Eph. 2:20, and 4:11.12). A Pastor (shepherd) is a very necessary part of the whole team, but he cannot fulfill more than a part of the whole task of equipping the saints for the ministry, and has to be complemented synergistically by the other four ministries in order to function properly.

7. The right pieces fitted together in the wrong way
In doing a puzzle, we need to have the right original for the pieces, otherwise the final product, the whole picture, turns out wrong, and the individual pieces do not make much sense. This has happened to large parts of the Christian world: we have all the right pieces, but have fitted them together wrong, because of fear, tradition, religious jealousy and a power-and-control mentality. As water is found in three forms, ice, water and steam, the five ministries mentioned in Eph. 4:11-12, the Apostles, Prophets, Pastors, Teachers and Evangelists are also found today, but not always in the right forms and in the right places: they are often frozen to ice in the rigid system of institutionalized Christianity; they sometimes exist as clear water; or they have vanished like steam into the thin air of free-flowing ministries and independent churches, accountable to no-one. As it is best to water flowers with the fluid version of water, these five equipping ministries will have to be transformed back into new and at the same time age-old forms, so that the whole spiritual organism can flourish and the individual ministers can lend their proper role and place in the whole. That is one more reason why we need to return back to the Makers original and blueprint for the Church.

8. God does not leave the Church in the hands of bureaucratic clergy
No expression of a New Testament church is ever led by just one professional holy man doing the business of communicating with God and then feeding some relatively passive religious consumers Moses-style. Christianity has adopted this method from pagan religions, or at best from the Old Testament. The heavy professionalisation of the church since Constantine has now been a pervasive influence long enough, dividing the people of God artificially into laity and clergy. According to the New Testament (1 Tim. 2:5), there is one God, and one mediator also between God and men, the man Christ Jesus. God simply does not bless religious professionals to force themselves in-between people and God forever. The veil is torn, and God is allowing people to access Himself directly through Jesus Christ, the only Way. To enable the priesthood of all believers, the present system will have to change completely. Bureaucracy is the most dubious of all administrative systems, because it basically asks only two questions: yes or no. There is no room for spontaneity and humanity, no room for real life. This may be OK for politics and companies, but not the Church. God seems to be in the business of delivering His Church from a Babylonian captivity of religious bureaucrats and controlling spirits into the public domain, the hands of ordinary people made extraordinary by God, who, like in the old days, may still smell of fish, perfume and revolution.

9. Return from organized to organic forms of Christianity
The Body of Christ is a vivid description of an organic, not an organized, being. Church consists on its local level of a multitude of spiritual families, which are organically related to each other as a network, where the way the pieces are functioning together is an integral part of the message of the whole. What has become a maximum of organization with a minimum of organism, has to be changed into a minimum of organization to allow a maximum of organism. Too much organization has, like a straightjacket, often choked the organism for fear that something might go wrong. Fear is the opposite of faith, and not exactly a Christian virtue. Fear wants to control, faith can trust. Control, therefore, may be good, but trust is better. The Body of Christ is entrusted by God into the hands of steward-minded people with a supernatural charismatic gift to believe God that He is still in control, even if they are not. A development of trust-related regional and national networks, not a new arrangement of political ecumenism is necessary for organic forms of Christianity to reemerge.

10. From worshipping our worship to worshipping God
The image of much of contemporary Christianity can be summarized, a bit euphemistically, as holy people coming regularly to a holy place at a holy day at a holy hour to participate in a holy ritual lead by a holy man dressed in holy clothes against a holy fee. Since this regular performance-oriented enterprise called 'worship service' requires a lot of organizational talent and administrative bureaucracy to keep going, formalized and institutionalized patterns developed quickly into rigid traditions. Statistically, a traditional 1-2 hour worship service is very resource-hungry but actually produces very little fruit in terms of discipling people, that is, in changed lives. Economically speaking, it might be a 'high input and low output' structure. Traditionally, the desire to worship in the right way has led to much denominationalism, confessionalism and nominalism. This not only ignores that Christians are called to worship in truth and in spirit, not in cathedrals holding songbooks, but also ignores that most of life is informal, and so is Christianity as the Way of Life. Do we need to change from being powerful actors to start acting powerfully?

11. Stop bringing people to church, and start bringing the church to the people
The church is changing back from being a Come-structure to being again a Go-structure. As one result, the Church needs to stop trying to bring people into the church, and start bringing the Church to the people. The mission of the Church will never be accomplished just by adding to the existing structure; it will take nothing less than a mushrooming of the church through spontaneous multiplication of itself into areas of the population of the world, where Christ is not yet known.

12. Rediscovering the Lordıs Supper to be a real supper with real food
Church tradition has managed to celebrate the Lordıs Supper in a homeopathic and deeply religious form, characteristically with a few drops of wine, a tasteless cookie and a sad face. However, the Lordıs Supper was actually more a substantial supper with a symbolic meaning, than a symbolic supper with a substantial meaning. God is restoring eating back into our meeting.

13. From Denominations to city-wide celebrations
Jesus called a universal movement, and what came was a series of religious companies with global chains marketing their special brands of Christianity and competing with each other. Through this branding of Christianity most of Protestantism has, therefore, become politically insignificant and often more concerned with traditional specialties and religious infighting than with developing a collective testimony before the world. Jesus simply never asked people to organize themselves into denominations. In the early days of the Church, Christians had a dual identity: they were truly His church and vertically converted to God, and then organized themselves according to geography, that is, converting also horizontally to each other on earth. This means not only Christian neighbors organizing themselves into neighborhood- or house-churches, where they share their lives locally, but Christians coming together as a collective identity as much as they can for citywide or regional celebrations expressing the corporateness of the Church of the city or region. Authenticity in the neighborhoods connected with a regional or citywide corporate identity will make the Church not only politically significant and spiritually convincing, but will allow a return to the biblical model of the City-Church.

14. Developing a persecution-proof spirit
They crucified Jesus, the Boss of all the Christians. Today, his followers are often more into titles, medals and social respectability, or, worst of all, they remain silent and are not worth being noticed at all. Blessed are you when you are persecuted, says Jesus. Biblical Christianity is a healthy threat to pagan godlessness and sinfulness, a world overcome by greed, materialism, jealousy and any amount of demonic standards of ethics, sex, money and power. Contemporary Christianity in many countries is simply too harmless and polite to be worth persecuting. But as Christians again live out New Testament standards of life and, for example, call sin as sin, conversion or persecution has been, is and will be the natural reaction of the world. Instead of nesting comfortably in temporary zones of religious liberty, Christians will have to prepare to be again discovered as the main culprits against global humanism, the modern slavery of having to have fun and the outright worship of Self, the wrong centre of the universe. That is why Christians will and must feel the repressive tolerance of a world which has lost any absolutes and therefore refuses to recognize and obey its creator God with his absolute standards. Coupled with the growing ideologisation, privatization and spiritualisation of politics and economics, Christians will sooner than most think, have their chance to stand happily accused in the company of Jesus. They need to prepare now for the future by developing a persecution-proof spirit and an even more persecution-proof structure.

15. The Church comes home
Where is the easiest place, say, for a man to be spiritual? Maybe again, is it hiding behind a big pulpit, dressed up in holy robes, preaching holy words to a faceless crowd and then disappearing into an office? And what is the most difficult and therefore most meaningful place for a man to be spiritual? At home, in the presence of his wife and children, where everything he does and says is automatically put through a spiritual litmus test against reality, where hypocrisy can be effectively weeded out and authenticity can grow. Much of Christianity has led the family, often as a place of its own spiritual defeat, and then has organized artificial performances in sacred buildings far from the atmosphere of real life. As God is in the business of recapturing the homes, the church turns back to its roots back to where it came from. It literally comes home, completing the circle of Church history at the end of world history.

As Christians of all walks of life, from all denominations and backgrounds, feel a clear echo in their spirit to what Godıs Spirit is saying to the Church, and start to hear globally in order to act locally, they begin to function again as one body. They organize themselves into neighborhood house-churches and meet in regional or city-celebrations. You are invited to become part of this movement and make your own contribution. Maybe your home, too, will become a house that changes the world.

(From: Houses that change the world, Wolfgang Simson; Postfach 212, 8212 Neuhausen 2, Switzerland
Email: FAX +49-7745-919531)

Revival: Deliverance Comes By Deliverers

A. W. Tozer

Now therefore, behold, the cry of the children of Israel has come to Me, and I have also seen the oppression with which the Egyptians oppress them. Come now, therefore, and I will send you to Pharaoh that you may bring My people, the children of Israel, out of Egypt. --Exodus 3:9-10

Yes, if evangelical Christianity is to stay alive it must have men again--the right kind of men. It must repudiate the weaklings who dare not speak out, and it must seek in prayer and much humility the coming again of men of the stuff of which prophets and martyrs are made. God will hear the cries of His people as He heard the cries of Israel in Egypt, and He will send deliverance by sending deliverers. It is His way.

And when the deliverers come--reformers, revivalists, prophets--they will be men of God and men of courage. They will have God on their side because they are careful to stay on God's side. They will be coworkers with Christ and instruments in the hands of the Holy Spirit. Such men will be baptized with the Spirit indeed and through their labors He will baptize others and send the long-delayed revival. This World: Playground or Battleground?, 20.

"Lord, send those men to the church soon. Raise up a mighty army even among young people today who will become that kind of men. We need a great movement of the Spirit of God that would bring the much-needed revival. Amen."

Read "Insight for Leaders" online at:

Vision of Trees

by Todd Davis

I saw a person standing in a field. I felt this represented me personally, but also represented people in the Body of Christ both individually and corporately.

The person felt at peace and had a measure of joy in the field. However, trees began growing all around the person, which made him feel a bit anxious about what was happening.

The trees continued to grow and became a forest around him. At this point, the person cried out in agony, fear, and aloneness. He interrogated God with questions of "Why?" and his deep seated unbelief was exposed to its core.

At this point of utter darkness, Jesus appeared. He came as a woodsman and He began cutting down the trees surrounding the person. As he was cutting, he turned to address the person. He spoke with a non-condemning boldness that only His faithfulness can convey.

He said, "My child, have faith in my faithfulness to you, have faith in my character, have faith in my goodness. I am well aware of the trees that have grown high in your life that now seem to surround you. I have come to use them to build you a house, a shelter from the storms to come . . . a refuge . . .a place of comfort."

The entire house, from the floor beams to the rafters to the finish carpentry was a memento of God's faithfulness and goodness . . . it shown with the character, wisdom, and maturity of God. It was breathtaking and full of His Glory.

I sensed that some could and indeed did cut down these growing trees prematurely. In doing so, they forfeited a strong shelter for upcoming storms. Those that allowed the trees to grow around them and those that seemed to have no control over the trees growing around them, will be shown the greatness of God's faithfulness and goodness that can only be appreciated and accomplished through suffering, through the wilderness, through darkness.

God is desiring a deeper measure of belief in His faithfulness and goodness towards us. He wants His Word and His Spirit to reside inside of us, "If God be for us, who can be against us? . . . For He knows the plans He has for us, plans to give us a hope and future. . . Those that wait upon the Lord will renew their strength . . ."

Todd Davis


Stephen Hanson

21. They will build houses and dwell in them; they will plant vineyards and eat their fruit.
22. No longer will they build houses and others live in them, or plant and others eat. For as the days of a tree, so will be the days of my people; my chosen ones will long enjoy the works of their hands.
23. They will not toil in vain or bear children doomed to misfortune; for they will be a people blessed by the LORD, they and their descendants with them.
24. Before they call I will answer; while they are still speaking I will hear.
25. The wolf and the lamb will feed together, and the lion will eat straw like the ox, but dust will be the serpent's food. They will neither harm nor destroy on all my holy mountain," says the LORD. Is. 55

1. "I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. John 15

"Was I not poured out as a ransom for many? Was I not the living water from which all things flow? There is a stream and a river which flows from my throne.

There is a river which flows from your hearts as well. I AM that river and life-giving stream. I AM the river which will flow forever more. In the desert of your souls, new things will grow. Instead of the thistle and the briarbush, there will be a lush garden.

The entire earth will be filled with my garden. From the least of you unto the greatest, a garden will spring-up. I AM that gardener of your soul, and I will establish those things in your hearts. The seas will cover the earth, the birds of the earth will find a garden to feed themselves.

In the beginning, I created the heavens and the earth. I established the heavens. I hollowed out a place for man to abide in. I established a garden in the beginning. Here there was peace; but man chose to disobey Me.

But I have chose now another garden. And as I have said, I Am that gardener of your soul. I AM the one who tends it. I Am the one who creates those new things there. It can be a pleasing thing. It can be filled with the most beautiful choice fruits and flowers.

It can grow into a beautiful vine. A vine which will reach across the nations. A vine which is manifested from the union of my Father and Me. It is the vine of my new kingdom upon this earth.

It will spread and will be fed by my life-giving Spirit. From the mountains unto the forests, it will spread. It will fill the deepest valleys. It will fill the longings of every heart. Let my garden and my vine grow. It will be in the coming ages that this will be done and achieved.

A new house will be set in order. The house of David will be set in place. All the nations will flow into it. The grapes of my people will be squeezed out and will flow into it. The government will be set upon my Son's shoulders. The gates will be opened.

Neither sun nor moon will be there, but the light that comes forth from my Son will be there. In the latter days it will be done in My Name. It will come forth, surely as I have said. The days are hastening forth to that day. Set your hearts and minds upon these things. Surely they will come. "

Stephen Hanson


by Bill Hardaway

I desire to deliver you

I have desired to set my children free for so long. But now I am moving towards you, your deliverance is at hand. I have heard your cries and listened to each and every request that you have made of me. Know that I am not slow or unable to perform all that I have promised. But I have waited until the time was right for each of you. Continue to trust and believe that I am able to accomplish all that I have promised you. Soon I will deliver you from the hands of the enemy and from the bondage of the flesh. Son I will deliver and give you the freedom you have long sought for.

I am coming to set you free

A time of great rejoicing is coming. You are about to put aside your earthly tents and be clothed with Heavenly ones. Expect me to move mightily in your lives. Expect me to do the unexpected! I will deliver you from all your pain and suffering, I am coming to set you free!


My kingdom is at hand

Get ready for a mighty move of My Spirit. I have longed to display my power and glory. Time as you know it, is coming to an end. Trust Me to deliver you from the storms and tribulations that you are not facing. My Kingdom is at hand!

Reach to Me, I long to love and hold you deeply in My arms. I am bringing peace and healing to your earthly vessels. A time is coming when there will be no sickness or death. A time is coming that will exceed all your expectations. Now trust me to bring to pass all that I have planned for your life.

Soon you will be with Me forever

Time as you know it will come to an end. All things that I have created are about to be made new. I am about to restore all that I have created. I am about to create a new Heaven and a new earth. All things will be restored as I had intended them to be. Let nothing hinder you from coming to Me. Soon you will be with Me in paradise. Soon you will be with me forever.

Do not be troubled

Do not let your heart be troubled or be afraid. I am with you and will guide you ever step of the way. Fear is something the enemy will try to make you believe. But it is like everything he says or does, it is a lie! I will keep you safe from danger. I will surround you with my presence and drive the enemy away. I will not allow anything to harm you. For I love you and will protect you. After all, who can move my foot once I have placed it?

Look not to yourself

Look not to yourself to fulfill the things I have promised to give you. Lay yourself at my feet, rest in my love and allow my presence to transform you. I have special plans for each of you. Now allow Me to bring them about in due season.

Look not to your own understanding, My ways are not your ways. Trying to figure out what I have prepared for you will only bring about frustration. I am bring about My will in your life. Please trust Me to fulfill all that I have promised.

Come to me when I call

Seek Me while I may be found. There is a time not far off that you will hear My voice as I call to you. I will not be found in the ways of this world. I will not be found in the prideful heart of man. I will not be found when you seek Me for your own pleasures. But call on Me and ask for My will to be done in your life and see if I do not answer you.

I seek a heart that is open to my call, I seek a will that has been molded by Me. I seek more than anything someone who is open to what I desire to do in them. It is only when I complete my work in you, can I use you as I have desired. Listen to My voice when I call out to you, come running to Me. I will use you as I have planned and promised to. You only need to listen to Me when I call.

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