Five-Fold Today - When Kings Go To War - Don't Legislate My Glory! - Battlefield Vision - Government of God - Wait on me - Time to Listen - In My Presence - To Possess or Not to Possess is the Choice - Loose the Angels

September 20, 2000

A Vision by Pat Cocking

I saw in a spiritual vision, a group of people who represented believers inside a building symbolizing our modern day church structure. The atmosphere was charged with activity and everyone was hustling and bustling about. Furniture was being rearranged, chairs were being stacked, new pictures replaced old ones on the wall, new carpets were being laid and fresh paint with splashes of bright color garmented the building with an updated look. Many had a sense of excitement and anticipation as though some great event were about to happen while others seemed weary from the past season of activity and battle. Some appeared to be insecure about the change that was taking place. There seemed to be a measure of conflict in the midst of the activity and yet the plans for the transformation of the building continued to go forward without retreat.


I then saw the Lord ride up to the building on a large majestic white horse. He sat on the beast as a Warrior King. There were others riding with Him and although I did not see them clearly I had the impression that they were heavenly hosts.

On approach of the building, double doors swung open and He entered the sanctuary in awesome divine authority. Many stood in awe as they beheld His Presence in this majestic and authoritative form while others seemed to be oblivious to the fact that He had entered. THE TIME TO FIGHT IS NOW!

He pulled His sword from it's sheath -- it was shining and glistening, radiating a heavenly, pulsating, glory. He looked around the room intently at each one looking for hearts who were turned towards Him (an impartation of divine strength was infused into each one who was acknowledging His presence). He then raised His sword, pointing it upward in a swift motion. With clear, precise words He declared, "Come, follow Me to battle....the time to fight is now!" "All authority in heaven and in earth has been given unto Me...let us go now and make disciples of the nations." "There are battles to be righteousness and in justice we will war." Some seemed to hear the command very clearly and were eager to follow, others heard but did not want to leave the setting they were in, some were too tired and weary to go, and yet others appeared to be deaf to His voice.

Only a few left with Him....only a trickle responded to His voice......would they follow later?


......I then saw what looked like a multitude on war horses. They were riding on in battle fully arrayed in heavenly armour, glistening in the same way as I had seen the Lord's sword. They were riding in rank, as one soldier, a great and mighty army....ferocious in was the army of the Lord.

They were going to war...... warring against injustice.....warring against poverty, sickness, disease, death......warring against oppression of every the authority of the Lord.....they were going to war.


INTERPRETATION: 1. The changes being made to the building is symbolic of a season of transition that the Body of Christ has entered into in order to prepare for the coming move and visitation of the Lord. There is a sense of change in the Body and things are being re-arranged and re-structured as the transition is discerned. Some will be flexible and eager to facilitate change while others might resist and be uncomfortable with it. Some are weary from a past season of warfare and activity. Rest in the Lord must be taken in order to be ready for the next visitation of the Lord to His church. "They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength." At times conflict and opposition will be evident although the transitional changes will still progress.


2. The appearance of Christ as a Warrior King indicates the coming of the Lord to His church in the manifestation of His awesome authority. The vision indicates that the Lord will "suddenly" come to His temple. "Lift up your heads, O gates; and be lifted up ye ancient doors; that the King of glory may come in." (Ps 24:7) It is an hour to prepare for Him. In the vision not everyone discerned Him. This speaks to me that faith is required to see Him in this coming move. The absorption in daily affairs and church activity seemed to dull the spiritual senses of some. The deafness indicates an inability to hear His voice or to acknowledge Him due to unbelief.


3. The angelic hosts that accompanied Him speaks of angelic visitations in this next move which will aid the Body of Christ in being released into battle. I had a sense that these particular angels that accompanied Christ were warrior angels. They will minister to the saints as we follow the Lord into battle.


4. The focus on the sword in the vision indicates the exaltation of the authoritative power of the Word of God in this coming move. The Word of God is going to be wielded with a heavenly and divine reverence. The authority of the Word (Jesus) will be imputed to those who stand in His Presence and to those who discern the hour of His visitation. This part of the vision speaks of the potential empowerment that the Body of Christ will receive in order to work glorious miracles, signs and wonders in the days of harvest.


5. The call to the Body to go to war speaks of a corporate, global call to go forth in authority to war against injustice, poverty, sickness, disease, death, etc. It speaks of a season of mobilization that will be under the direction of the Warrior King Himself.


6. There was only a small response to the command and yet in the latter part of the vision there was a multitude following Him in one accord. This speaks of a small group who will respond initially but an increase of involvement as the move progresses and becomes discerned. The Body will become a mobilized united army which will manifest the glory of the Lord's might, power and authority in the earth. I believe that this army will minister mercy to the oppressed and hope to the hopeless. The gospel will be proclaimed in it's purest form with accompanying signs and wonders by a united, bonded Body of believers who have become an "exceeding great army".


"And I saw heaven opened; and behold, a white horse, and He who sat upon it is called Faithful and True; and in righteousness He judges and wages war.........and from His mouth comes a sharp sword, so that with it He may smite the nations......and on His robe and on His thigh He has a name written; KING OF KINGS and LORD OF LORDS." Rev 19:11 -- 16

Don't Legislate My Glory!
by Debra Westbrook

As I have read many words coming forth concerning the apostolic move of the Lord, I have been greatly encouraged by all that God is doing and is getting ready to do. Yet, as I awoke several days ago, I heard the Spirit of the Lord speak these words to me, "Don't legislate my glory!"

Inherent in man's nature is to control. As mere human beings, we forever try to establish ourselves and our agenda on platforms that are built upon our own understanding and wisdom. This day, God is giving to us new measures of His grace to bring us higher in the spirit, to see things from a greater eternal perspective. It is only by His grace that we can step into the newness of what is upon us in these times. This apostolic/prophetic move will not be built by man's hands but by God's hands.

Yet, the Lord would caution every one of us that inherent in the heart of man is the need to legislate that which we can't understand. We long to place a name upon it, to define it, and to provide a structure in which this new move can rest and reside in. Yet, God's word, in Isaiah 66:1-2 says:

"Heaven is My throne, and earth is My footstool. Where is the house that you will build for me? And were is the place of My rest? For all those things My hand has made, and all those things exist," says the Lord."But on this one will I look; on him who is poor and of a contrite spirit, and who trembles at My word."

The Lord seems to be clearly saying "Do not legislate My glory. " In effect, He says, "Take your hands off!"

Let us not confine God's glory to any prescribed limitations that rise up from the heart of man. Let us never presume that the way that God is moving now will flow forth from what has already been established. A new day requires a new way. Let us humble ourselves before the King to see the plans that reside within His heart for His kingdom.

Legislation flows through regulation - laws enacted by man to govern according to man's rules and ways. Legislation will build upon a platform of our understanding and wisdom. This is so in the natural. This is earthly and rises up from the depths of man's need to legislate and regulate. Yet, the kingdom of God will never be built through legislation but upon revelation.

Release all plans and purposes to God for He is establishing this foundation upon His revelation. All order, all structure, and all purpose reside in the heart of the Father! Those who would build must access His heart receiving a clear revelation of Jesus Christ as revealed by the Spirit of God! Apart from Him, we can do nothing!

What is coming and what is already here will not be built from the ground up but will be constructed as heaven opens and revelation comes down. The foundation has already been laid in Christ Jesus.

In times past, when the Pharisees and the teachers of the law tried to legislate the glory of God who stood in their midst in the person of Jesus Christ, they could not comprehend Him. They did not see that He was the brightness of God's glory and the express image of His person. He would not be contained, regulated, or restrained within the confines of their law. So it is today. The increasing presence of the Son of God in our midst will not be contained within the rules and regulations that exist within our hearts based upon past moves of God, religion, or the traditions of man. He will supercede and rise above all that has been done up to this point for eye has not seen not ear heard all that is coming upon His church.

We are not to run to and fro throughout the land looking for that which already resides within us. Christ is in us, the hope of glory. Jesus rising up within us will bring an ever increasing revelation of Himself to us individually so that He may expand us in corporate unity to contain the measure of glory that He longs to pour into His Body, His church.

Battlefield Vision

Paul Jobe

In the vision, I saw a huge medieval-era battlefield in which the opposing armies were a demonic horde and the Body of Christ. Both sides had some organizational problems and communication was inadequate. I saw the entire battle scene from behind the lines, yet I could move anywhere I wanted to without being noticed by either side.

My attention was drawn toward the side of the Church where some disorganized skirmishes were taking place. I noticed that there were three segments in the Church which were doing different things. In the back and well out of harm's way were older Christians who had on shiny armor. Some were dwarfed in size because of their poor diets and did not have the ability to fight. Some were very tall because they had read a lot of books, but were skinny and weak. Others were sitting in lounge chairs and watching TV, not understanding that the enemy could easily overtake their territory and being oblivious to the potential danger. I noticed that the TV cables were being fed from the enemy's camp directly into these televisions.

The next line of Christians were called "young men" and consisted mainly of housewives and teenagers. These were well aware of the ensuing battle and were busy with different tasks. Some of these were carrying food and water to the front lines to refresh the warriors. Others were holding binoculars to try to see the enemy's movements. Those with binoculars were the focus of many of the enemy's arrows and many fell because they spent too much time looking through the binoculars and didn't see the enemy when a close attack came. Some made the mistake of trying to walk around while looking through the binoculars. This resulted in them falling into pits that the enemy had laid. The biggest problem for these was that they couldn't get high enough to look down on the enemy. Some of those in the rear had tall towers called "finances" that could have helped them, but they did not want to share the towers nor bring them into this part of the battle, lest they get scratched.

The third group of warriors was a combination of those mounted on horses and those on foot. The ones on horses were well-seasoned in battle and moved with great skill. These had the names "Apostles," "Prophets," "Evangelists," "Pastors," and "Teachers" on them. Each one had a different colored horse according to their designations. They were systematic in battle and communicated with each other well. Each mounted warrior was responsible for about 100 of those on foot.

The footsoldiers were called "Children" and were extremely ferocious in battle. What they lacked in battle smarts they made up for in their zeal to defeat the enemy. They were motivated by love for the Head of the Church, yet expressed this love on the battlefield by throwing themselves into battle. Most of them had recently come from the side of the enemy and because of this, knew the enemy's tactics very well.

The most unusual thing about these warriors was that they had missing armor. Some were missing the shield of faith or belt of truth, yet this did not stop them from being willing to die for those still caught in the enemy's camp. I watched as several of these children ran straight into the enemy's line and were cut down quickly by the demon's swords. Other children would see this happen, yet go after the enemy time after time. Seeing their zeal, the mounted warriors gathered the zealous children together and started giving them some instructions. Very soon, the battle changed and the Church started getting the advantage.

The Church plan was to concentrate efforts on one area of the demonic horde and systematically send huge numbers of children warriors and mounted soldiers against that area until the enemy was defeated or retreated. I watched as these children were cut by the enemy's swords, cried out in pain, yet still tried to fight. I was overcome with emotion at their zeal and was reminded of the verse, "Those who did not love their lives unto death." What amazed me was that as soon as the wounded children would cry out, a mounted warrior would quickly arrive and apply a topical medicine called "The Word of God" which almost instantly healed the wound. To the horror of the enemy, these wounded warriors would arise again with greater wisdom and resolve to fight, their battle scars being a strength and a symbol of honor. This battle plan was followed until the enemy was totally defeated.

As I pondered the vision, I was reminded of a couple of verses- "He who seeks to save his life will lose it, but whovever loses his life for My sake will find it." "He who has been forgiven much loves much."

Paul Jobe

by Doug Fortune

Is. 9:6-7 "...and the GOVERNMENT shall be upon His shoulder... of the increase of His government and of peace there shall be no end."; Col.3:15-16 "...and let the PEACE of Christ rule (govern) in your hearts... let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom..."

Government... when we hear that word, many of us think of laws and taxes and hierarchies of officials appointed by men. Church government... when we hear that word, unfortunately many think of laws and taxes (of course we call it giving) and hierarchies of officials appointed by men. Now don't get me wrong here, I DO understand functional authority; we must have order and organization in the church. Many problems in the church are a result of inaccurate understanding of functional authority; i.e. the false clergy/ laity system, or the role of a 'pastor', or the absence of apostles and prophets. Before we can sort out these 'functional authority/ government' issues accurately, we must first turn our eyes to a higher government.

The word that is translated as 'government' in Isaiah 9 is misrah; it comes from the word sawraw, which is a primary root meaning to prevail, to have power. The word translated as 'rule' in Col. 3 is brabeuo, meaning to govern, to prevail. Now if governing means prevailing, then obviously there is something we are prevailing against... and we must understand what IT is, before we can prevail against it!

"...we do not war after the flesh... to the pulling down of strongholds, casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God..."(2Cor.10:3-5); or as the Amplified Bible says, "...we refute arguments and theories and reasonings... and we lead EVERY thought and purpose away captive into the obedience of Christ." I believe that what we are to prevail against are the carnal mentalities of the Adam nature. Eph. 6:12 also tells us that we wrestle "...against principalities, against powers, against rulers of darkness..."; in order to prevail or govern we must understand how spiritual entities operate within the bounds of spiritual authority.

Evil must have an entrance into the earth and this is found through the iniquity and sin of man. You see, a principality is really a demonic spirit that operates through a 'principle' that MAN gives authority to, '...whatever YOU bind (that is, declare to be legally binding) on the earth shall be bound in heaven...' (Mt.16:19). We bind on the earth who we ARE in the earth and what we DECLARE in the earth! The way you defeat a principality is by establishing via your LIFESTYLE, your very presence, a higher 'principle'. Principalities, powers, demonic forces only have authority in the realm of the SOUL (or the natural realm), and only as man gives them entrance by operating in those 'principles' of darkness. We defeat them as we live from the realm of the SPIRIT, a higher realm of authority... we are literally bringing the Kingdom of heaven (the spiritual realm) to bear upon the kingdom of this world. This happens NOT by shouting at a demon, but rather by walking as the manifestation of Christ in the earth... warfare automatically erupts as we walk into the situation by reason of our very presence, or actually the presence of Christ IN US. THEN we can shout at that demonic force! This is the government that must be established first... the governing of the SOUL by the SPIRIT and from this position of being under and within the authority of Christ, the SOUL under the authority of the SPIRIT, then we declare the Kingdom of God on earth.

You see, the government is upon His shoulder, and WE are His BODY; so as the Body of Christ, the government is upon OUR shoulder also. Now, I don't know what's on your shoulders, but the thing on my shoulders is my head... I must have an accurate mentality in order to govern or prevail. I'm not talking about just having made mental ascent to an apostolic concept either, I'm talking about our SOUL being governed by our SPIRIT, taking on the MIND of Christ.

You'll notice that the verses we are working from speak of PEACE closely tied to governing and prevailing... my friend, if you are always stressed out, then you are not living from your SPIRIT. Much of our stress stems from uncertainty and worry, which is based in fear. Fear can be a powerful controlling influence in a person's life, and yes, even in their ministry. Thousands of 'Christian' books are sold each year that produce fear and anxiety over the future... is this really the plan of God? Some stress comes from over-commitment, trying to do 'too much for God'; spiritual burnout is rampant in many ministries today. Zoe SPIRIT Life is submitted to and always aware of the sovereignty of God, and that it is His plan and His work in us and through us. Yes, we must cooperate but it is His work... we do our job, not someone else's and certainly not His job!

Once this understanding of His sovereignty and His peace has been established in us, then we can approach issues of functional authority and governing. You see, the Kingdom or government within us determines the kingdom around us... until the one is established, the other will not function properly. Having established this foundation, let's explore a bit of functional government... specifically the role of the prophet as they relate to the apostle/ leader/ pastor (or for most churches, the leader they call 'pastor', however inaccurate that title may be; for illustration purposes I'll use the term pastor/ leader. In most cases, true pastors are not very good leaders, and true leaders are not good pastors, they are a very different function. Also, I'm not saying that prophets are never leaders, many times they are, I'm just dealing with the spiritual perception aspect.)

Keep in mind that Christ is your Head, NOT another man or woman and that "... there is only ONE mediator between God and man, the Man Christ Jesus..."(1Tim.2:5); but we also must submit to one another in love, especially in matters of functional authority. In most churches (inaccurate as it may be) the person called pastor is ultimately where the buck stops in matters of functional responsibility (when something is wrong, they get the phone calls). As a leader, they are the one who takes the information they receive and distribute it to the different parts of the Body to get done what needs to get done, a bit like the brain in the human body. (Ideally this is not just one person but a plurality of leadership, that's another subject though.) The prophet is a bit like the eyes and ears (I'm not saying prophets don't have brains... I ARE one! sorry, that's my attempt at humor)... they have spiritual vision and hearing; they provide vital input to the brain. Now a brain without input is either sleeping or watching TV!... unfortunately, this is the case in many churches; they are asleep or being entertained. The brain must receive and submit to the information provided by vision and hearing... likewise, the pastor/ leader must receive the prophetic. Now, not everything your eyes or ears perceive is useful or pertinent information, that's for the brain to decipher. So if you tell 'pastor' something and he/ she doesn't do anything about it, don't get too bent out of shape. The functional responsibility is theirs not yours, you just REST in the sovereignty of God, knowing it is now between 'pastor' and God. Now unless you've established the government WITHIN that I spoke of at the first of the article, you'll probably find it impossible to rest in the PEACE of God's sovereignty. You may take matters into your own hands and try to force or manipulate 'pastor' into doing something; then government turns into anarchy! Many prophetic people go through life frustrated and stressed because 'the leadership won't do what I tell them, and I KNOW I heard God!'... this is an inaccurate understanding of government.

If YOU happen to be the pastor/ leader, even though the functional authority and responsibility lies with you, if your eyes and ears (the prophetic) keep telling you something, then you need to listen! Don't REBEL against the vision and hearing that God has provided through the prophetic, otherwise you'll end up in a spiritual vacuum of sorts (without prophetic input)... thinking everyone around you is rebellious, when in fact it is a reflection of your OWN rebellion against the government of God. Obviously I am speaking of proven prophetic people you know, not just anyone who claims to be a 'prophet'.

If as pastor/ leader OR prophet you are truly established in the government of the SOUL by the SPIRIT, prevailing against inaccurate and carnal mentalities, then you will be able to submit to one another in love... resting in the PEACE of the sovereignty of God. Let the government of God be firmly established in the earth!... and remember, we bind on earth who we ARE in the earth! Come, Thy Kingdom... be done, Thy will... on earth as it is in heaven!

Wait on me

David Howe

Wait on me. To all who need to hear.

Wait on me - For I will renew your strength - Renew your mind - Renew your spirit.

Do not wait on mans time - Do not wait upon your time but wait on me.

Do not wait upon mans ideas and opinions of my Word but wait upon My Spirit - For I will renew you - Renew your strength in all things.

Look to me and me alone - Lean not to your own understanding of my Word - Your Understanding of my Spirit - But ask of me - Ask of my Holy Spirit.

Dave Howe - Wellspring ministries - England.

Time to Listen

Andrew Combe

My people, My precious and chosen ones, will you incline your ears to Me? Will you take a moment and allow Me to speak to you? Your days are hectic; your schedule too busy; your time disorganised in relation to your God.

When you incline your ear, you will hear. When you seek Me, you will find Me. Many times are wasted because My people are too busy to listen to Me. Children, turn aside and see (Exodus 3 v 1-5).

I need you all to listen attentively, to lay aside time and allow Me to instruct you, for strategy is needed. You need to know the next steps to take and from out of the midst of My presence will flow understanding (Psalm 73 v 16&17), that you may see the way in which you should move.

Living a life for Me means to always be diligent to hear My voice. My Word speaks to you and you obey. I speak through My vessels and you listen. Good, I am pleased. I am now asking you to come and listen to My voice speaking directly to you. Audibly . . . yes! To your spirit . . . yes! To you personally, I will reveal the plans and purposes of My heart for you and for My Church (Jeremiah 33 v 3).

I will instruct you in venturing forth, for this is the season of expansion and adventure. It is time for explosion . . . for you, My Church, to walk in the true power I have given to you.

O warriors, don't stop praying and interceding, for the prayers of the righteous man avails much (James 5 v 16-18). I move on the words of man. Yes, you heard correctly. What comes from your mouth I can act upon and reveal Myself, not only to you but also to those around you (1 Kings 17 v 1).

I have chosen to work through man and WITH man. O Church, few have come to this understanding that I work with man. The words you speak, in faith believing, cause Me to release My power to bring to pass that, which is spoken forth. The sun stood still because Joshua, My servant, spoke . . . Church, he had authority because he knew that God worked with man (Joshua 10 v 12-14)!

To work through is to use as a channel. To work with is to work together to get a job done. I need both in operation . . . the humility and openness for My power to move through and the maturity and wisdom for us to work together. That generates power . . . through you, working with Me, nations can be changed, but an ear to hear is vital, to listen to My voice in this time.

Incline your ears to Me O Church, for great plans lay ahead for you walk in, but how will you move into them without first listening to My instructions?

I love you My Church, I love you !

Every blessing to you all,
Yours in Christ,


Shelleymae Bartlett

In MY PRESENCE ... is the place where you are fully changed in the areas that I reveal to you. If you allow the TRUTH of the reality of who I AM to penetrate the areas of your hearts and lives that I reveal to you, one touch from the MASTERS HAND will create in you a desire for another~ For MY TOUCH goes beyond the touching of the flesh of man. I alone can touch the inner places of the heart to bring healing.

Surrender yourselves to ME that I might come and heal you. MY TOUCH may seem hard at first, unfamiliar and sometimes may even seem one with the pain, but go with the flow of the pain and trust ME. It is with the pressure I apply MY TRUTH And it is with MY TRUTH you are set free~ Free to be who I AM creating you to be.

I AM not finished with you and yet I see the finished product. I have desired and predestined you for MY PURPOSES saith THE LORD. Allow ME to mold and shape you. Let MY HANDS guide you~ Change you from GLORY to GLORY into the IMAGE of MY SON.

Let ME remove the flesh, the unwanted, unneeded pieces of clay. They are not to be part of MY final MASTERPIECE.

Oh... You did not know? You do not understand?..... {:o) ALL of Heaven will stand in awe ...even you, when I jointly fasten you together all adorned in your final splendor, brilliantly reflecting ME, when I present you, MY GLORIOUS BRIDE.

So stand in MY PRESENCE & let ME work on and in you now, so you can stand with ME then...even now ... soon.

Humbly submitted with Love In Him,
(\O/)o Shelleymae Bartlett
Juneau, Alaska

To Possess or Not to Possess is the Choice

Meri Burlingame

A few weeks ago as I left the building after morning services, I "saw" a principle that explained some of the things God was doing in that congregation. While the context of what I saw was related to the local congregation, it has become clear to me that it also has much broader application for us as Christians in this period of "transition."

I have been a part of this congregation for about 2 years and have watched God bless it in a number of ways, and have seen the increase of the power and flow of His Spirit both as it moves through pastoral leadership and as it moves through the congregation on a Sunday morning. God has richly blessed them financially and after four years of focusing on "building the people" the land they bought is now paid for and they are confident that God is directing them to begin to build something on the land that will facilitate the life of the body of Christ.

As I left the building, I could see the hand of God upon the congregation and a measure of the great blessings that lay ahead for them. But with that I saw something very striking to my consciousness. This congregation was at a place where they had to make a choice. If they continue to go in the direction that they have been going, they will build a very solid, well grounded church, which the Lord would bless. It would be a "fortress church in the wilderness" isolated in the world, a place of refuge and security. However, they would not possess the land.

If they want to possess the land and get the victory over the five areas that have been declared by the church and its leadership as the areas that God is most interested in affecting the lives of the people in the community, then a different direction would have to be taken.

Under the fortress church mentality, leadership truly can trust that God will step by step show them what He wants them to do. They are basically "self-contained." On the other hand, the "kingdom church" cannot function on its own. It requires assistance from "apostolic leadership" in the "larger body of Christ." Those in a given locality may never receive the "revelation" of the answers to the way to get victory over the local principalities and powers. The local leadership may not have the "empowerment" and/or gifting to facilitate the equipping of the local body to do the work of the advancing the kingdom.

When dealing with a given locality, community, area, region, there are certain "forces" at work that can inhibit the release of knowledge and understanding within that area. However, when leadership is called in from other areas, they are free to minister and release the power of God that no one in the local area was either free to do....or called to operate in.

In this time of transition from the wilderness church to the Kingdom Church that occupies the land, there is the need to be equipped for ministry, and even the "equippers" need equipping and need "equippers" to come in and release to the people gifts and calling that might not be present otherwise within a given area. Similarly, there may be areas of healing and restoration to which the people in the local church don't have access. As with healing, so with teaching, deliverance, even evangelism.

The old mentality of the "church" was that we have everything within us that we need. As we move into the awareness of the Kingdom, we become more aware that the body of Christ is "broken" and is spread all over the globe, each with its own gifts and calling. God is working with a "corporate body" today full of living stones and His goal and purpose is to bring all the stones into their appropriate places. At this point, there are stones scattered in places that are beyond the understanding and knowledge of local leadership to even know what to do with and in some places local "leadership" doesn't even know where some stones are hidden. Some of these will only be found and responded to with the gifts and callings of those who are invited in from other areas to minister. It is kind of like a parent needing assistance in dealing with the various needs of their own children. In the natural, we don't hesitate to allow teachers to teach our children, doctors to tend to physical ails, dentists to their teeth, ophthalmologists their eyes.....etc. When the needs get even more specific, we go to greater specialists trained in more precise areas.

So with the Body. God has specialists that will minister the many facets of His power and presence to His people. Some who minister in the area of healing might be only used by God to heal certain types of diseases. Why? I don't know except that He has planned His body in such a way that IT NEEDS EACH OTHER. The foot needs the eye, the ear needs the baby finger nail. Rip a fingernail off and the whole body hurts. Let an ear suffer and the whole body will be in agony. So in the Body of Christ we need each other to build up the body, to put the right pieces in the right place at the right time.

There is much talk about times and seasons, and this is a season of transition from the "independent congregation" to the "corporate Body of Christ". Many individual congregations have been greatly used of God. They often utilized leadership from around the world and may have sent people out to other congregations unlike anything in the years past. And yet, even that is different from what God is calling us to today. It is the identity that we are going to have that constitutes the corporate Body of Christ which is able to possess the land rather than any specific form of church order or structure. It is the corporate identity as members of the body of Christ which in part means recognizing that we are all parts of a Body that was 'broken" that will bring forth the humility that gives us freedom and access to all the gifts and callings that God has put within His Body. Only such a "church" will be able to drive out the demons that the Lord drives into their hands as they seek to occupy the land of their inheritance and do so as a corporate entity.

The warriors that had possessed the land of their inheritance before crossing Jordan were to remain with the rest of the nation until all had possessed their own inheritance. Not only that, these 40, 000 warriors went AHEAD of the priests who bore on their own shoulders the Ark of the Covenant.

Today there are those that "go ahead of the Ark of the Covenant" who have possessed some measure of their inheritance who are sent ahead to assist the rest of the body to possess theirs. When they marched around Jericho, what group of 40,000 was out there in front? Was it the warriors or the priests? The warriors who had already inherited their land were out in front. The priests didn't have any land to inherit; they were only given cities to live in. And they were responsible for "carrying the presence."

These are all types of leadership God has placed in the body in this hour that the church might be able to bring forth out of the land the fruit that belongs to the Lord! That fruit, of course, is a multifaceted body which glorifies Himself, that is adorned with Righteousness, that shines forth with Joy, and that speaks forth Truth, and that walks along the highway of holiness.

Many leaders as well as individuals in this hour need to ask themselves,"What do I desire? Do I just want the blessing and approval of God or do I long to be a intimate, integral part of His Work upon the earth?"

In 1993 I was driving onto the freeway when I saw a choice that lay before me. While I knew clearly what that choice was, it only has been within the context of what I have seen these last three weeks that those choices are now clearly understood. That day on the freeway I saw that I could be permanently separated from my estranged husband and continue to live with my mother, raise my two girls, and be richly blessed of the Lord, never having to look back. OR I could return to the family home with the two girls and finish what the Lord told me He had begun. When this last "option" was put before me, tears flowed in my eyes as I thought of the many within that family who had no knowledge of Jesus Christ, who were locked in the bondage of sin and the price I had already paid in 10 years of marriage. The choice was a simple one.

Today I understand more clearly. To have gone on and made a new life for myself would not have been wrong. It would have been a way that God would have blessed. But it wasn't the fullness of what God had planned for my life The call and destiny of God to possess the land had been planted deep within my heart. I knew that "the heathen were my inheritance," that the family that I was a part of was "my inheritance" along with the islands of the sea. 10 years ago I had little or no idea what the price of this journey would be nor did I understand that it was a totally impossible thing for me to accomplish until the coming of the apostolic.

Over those years I kept looking for apostles. Some of the prophets around me told me I had to go out and seek apostles to team up with, but I didn't know where to look. As I sought the Lord I had the confidence that what He was asking of me was just to keep looking to Him and in due time I would be hooked up with whatever people He purposed. Here and there I saw someone with what I recognized as an apostolic call and vision. But no one seemed to understand what it meant.

In each of the lives of these apostolic people I saw, the apostolic vision ultimately fell by the wayside as other trials and tribulations came into those men's lives. Little did I understand that what I had seen was just a glimpse of what was yet ahead, whose Kairos had not yet come. And it is a good thing I didn't: for I would surely have lost hope if I had thought it was going to be yet another 8-10-15 years in coming to fulfillment.

It has been 7 years since that choice was made as I pulled onto the freeway in 93. Today much more is in place for the accomplishment of the purposes which I saw that day. Have I possessed the land? can't be possessed alone. It is a corporate work. Over the past years various areas of my own heart have been possessed, and even in the last few weeks, victory has been won over ground that the enemy through his access to had the ability to twist and turn me as he worked through people and circumstances in my life.

What will it take to possess the land? In order to get the victory over the five areas that the local congregation has seen that God says is the local "church's to inherit, it is going to cost everyone who chooses to go that way everything in their lives both personally and corporately. It isn't something that the local congregation or even the local "community" can accomplish by itself. It will take the resources of the larger body to be released to it and received by it for the local body/community to even know how to deal with the issues and forces that presently possess the land. If they don't choose to go on in and possess the land, the vision will fall to the ground until the Lord raises up other apostolic people whose desire to possess the land of their inheritance and are willing to pay the price.

To possess this land will mean needing those represented by the 40,000 warriors to go ahead of the ark; it will mean having priests who are prepared to carry the Ark of His Presence itself and the other items of His presence that must be borne on the shoulders of priests who have sanctified themselves and have put on the garments of righteousness. It will mean that those who are called to blow the trumpets will know how to call for the Body to rise up and attend to a given work in a given time and given battle/location and many other aspects of "ministry.

God is still allowing us to make the choice. He gave the children of Isreal the choice to go in and possess the land or to yield to their fears and stay where they were. God continued to give them shoes that never wore out, He provided manna from heaven and water from the Rock. The fire by night and the cloud by day did not depart from them even though they liked the way things were better than to risk all to possess the land. And that generation passed away except for two before the younger ones were directed to go in and possess the land.

Even Moses was not allowed to enter the promised land because of his attitude concerning his role before the people. When he struck the Rock when he was told to speak to it, he violated the foundational principle upon which leadership in the promised land is built...... fellowship/intimacy with God and with his people. When the Rock was first smitten, Moses and the leadership went out from the camp, but the second time when they needed water from the Rock, it took place in the midst of the congregation. The church that will possess the land will have no separation of leadership and people: they will be one, in fellowship with the Rock of their Salvation, their total provision. Leadership will call forth the provision that is needed and teach people how to release all that is provided for them and for others in Christ. Since the Rock has been smitten, all provision in the Cross now only needs to be called forth and released, another major operating principles of the church that will possess the land of its inheritance.

Meri Burlingame

To the Churches of America:


Alan Brooks

I am calling you to LOOSE THE ANGELS! I am calling you to think big! For whatever you loose in the heavens will be loosed on the earth. My Son Jesus said that he could have called upon 12 legions of angels to rescue Him. Therefore, since you are the Body of Christ, you can call for them to be released as well. Since you will also do the "greater works", you can even ask for more, for this is the time to ask for this! RELEASE THE WINDS OF ANGELS TO BRING THE FIRE

Heb 1:7

7 In speaking of the angels he says, "He makes his angels winds, his servants flames of fire."

Are you worried that there aren't enough angels in heaven to help? I can assure you that there are more than enough angels to answer every request and more than enough angels to fight every battle. There are even enough to make "winds." As in the natural realm, where winds increase the flames of fires dramatically, so to in the spiritual realm angel winds will increase the flames of revival! Winds of angels will turn a small flicker of hope into a large bonfire in just a moment! (I see a picture of angels lining up in the throne room receiving glowing coals that are to be carried to the earthly realms).


Heb 1:14
14 Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?

The angels of God are being sent from the throne room to you to serve you. Reinforcements upon reinforcements. Don't be afraid to ask the Father to release His ministering angels to minister to you, His warring angels to war for you, and His guardian angels to protect you and your loved ones. This is key part of My plan in the times ahead.


Heb 12:22

But you have come to Mount Zion, to the heavenly Jerusalem, the city of the living God. You have come to thousands upon thousands of angels in joyful assembly,

It is written, "Ask and you shall receive." But there is always a timing involved. Now is the My time to ask for the angels of God to be loosed in the heavens, and to believe that they are standing with you, for "the angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear Him."


The Lord shows me a picture of myriads of angels standing before the throne and the Father says to them, "Go, take your positions!" And they form large streams of "winds" flowing towards the earth. They have been sent to serve the Body of Christ, according to the perfect will of the Father. They are being sent to serve and are waiting to help. Therefore, call upon the Father to release them over your church, your city, and your country. They will help you to loose chains that were previously unbreakable, and to open doors that seemed to be permanently locked. Therefore, be bold, for I am looking for a people who will stand and believe Me for this.

Release the angels, Lord
Release the angels, Lord
Release the angels of God. Let them minister, your love.

Release the angels, Lord
Release the angels, Lord
Release the angels of God. Let them minister, your fire.

According to the perfect will of the Father.
According to the perfect will of the Spirit of God.

Alan Brooks

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