Five-Fold Today - For Those Walking in the Wilderness - A Healthy Family - An Empowering of Light - A New Breed Of Prophet - Worship - Times of Extraordinary Crisis

August 18, 2002

A Word For Those Walking in the Wilderness

Deb Okereke

"Do not allow yourself to be bound to perceived limitations. Soar above them, refuse to step into that box. Remember you can do ALL things through Me. You have yet to realize that it makes no difference what the limitations of the body are because the spirit has no limitations, the soul can soar as high as its dreams, the heart is not tethered, your vision is not blurred. Set your vision higher, where My grace is needed to take you. Don't settle for crumbs when a feast awaits you. You are not a dog that needs to fight under the table for the crumbs of My affection, or for the bread of My Presence.

I know this sojourn in the wilderness has seemed endless and all you seem to see ahead of you are mountainous sand dunes - one relentlessly following after another. The air seems to be biting, dry and gritty and the farthest thing from a refreshing. But remember the word I gave you. I am in the wilderness with you Dear One. It is only for a season, it is for a good purpose, a great purpose - for you to be made ready - for your faith boots to be tested and tried, for them to feel comfortable, like a second skin. To walk by faith and not by sight, to walk by faith and not by feeling, to walk with a knowing.

You have not been placed on a shelf, though to some it may appear so. Rather, you have been placed in My fire, so the colors of My love can be more perfectly engraved upon your life. They are becoming beautiful. You want to argue with Me, but don't. Your eyes are on the dross, the flaws and imperfections in yourself that you still see. I am not impervious to them but they do not disgust Me as they do you. For I see the potential under the dust and scratches. I call you not marred, but MARVELLOUS!! I have washed you, and day by day as you seek to draw close and as you cry out for Me to change your heart, I am working in your inner being. My Hand will be gentle, for I love you and I would not wound you intentionally, though there will be pain associated with the revelations, as they surface from deep places within. You will walk in a new liberty!

Be encouraged that I have much for you and am proud of you. Truly you are My delight. Everything about you is dear to My heart. I am enamored of you. Do not call unworthy one I chose to die for!! Do not call unworthy the one I have chosen for My Bride, do not call unworthy the one whom I have chosen to be a jewel in my crown. I have raised you up to be seated with Me in the Heavenlies, I am training you to reign with Me throughout eternity. I am preparing a place for you in glory but I am also preparing a habitation for you on the earth below."

1 Cor 2:9 However, as it is written: "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him

A Healthy Family

Michael Clark

There just is not enough real love in this world. Have you ever thought about the terms "brother" and "sister"? How do we relate to our brothers and sisters in a healthy family? Sure there are arguments, fights, but there is also a show of love that goes with the relationship. The one thing that never happens is one of them disowning the other... I speak of a healthy family, now.

Now, with this in mind, what kind of relationship should the brothers and sisters in the body of Christ have? Today we keep each other at arm's length, fearing that we might reveal something that might be used by our "brothers" and "sisters" against us. We avoid any show of affection for fear of "the very appearance of evil." We basically are a dysfunctional family that calls itself "the family of God"! Ask yourselves, do we really treat one another like family? Did Jesus worry about the appearance of evil while that woman (Mary?) was washing His feet with her kisses and her tears? Simon the Pharisee thought He should be worrying about it, though, and Jesus rebuked him!

I think that we have let the enemy take away our family identity and loving support for one another by buying into his religious spirits and fear of evil. He has made us hyper-aware of anything to do with sex by the "sexual revolution" that the world has bought into, taking something holy ( the marriage act) and making it vulgar and common in the media. So, how do we react as Christians? We go to the other extreme! I know that some of you are feeling very uncomfortable just reading this. Sorry if my honesty is "too honest."

All I want to say is that we need to be aware when are "reacting" to something instead of just "acting" in the Spirit. There is a difference. Jesus and the apostles acted. They did not react! One time the Lord showed me that there was a Book of Acts in the Bible, but no "Book of Reacts."

So let us be more sensitive to the Holy Spirit and free to obey His leading than we are in being sensitized to the ways of the world and the enemy.

Now when the Pharisee who had invited Him (Jesus) saw this, he said to himself, "If this man were a prophet He would know who and what sort of person this woman is who is touching Him, that she is a sinner." And Jesus answered and said to him, "Simon, I have something to say to you." And he replied, "Say it, Teacher." "A certain moneylender had two debtors: one owed five hundred denarii, and the other fifty. "When they were unable to repay, he graciously forgave them both. Which of them therefore will love him more?" Simon answered and said, "I suppose the one whom he forgave more." And He said to him, "You have judged correctly." 44 And turning toward the woman, He said to Simon, "Do you see this woman? I entered your house; you gave Me no water for My feet, but she has wet My feet with her tears, and wiped them with her hair. "You gave Me no kiss; but she, since the time I came in, has not ceased to kiss My feet. "You did not anoint My head with oil, but she anointed My feet with perfume. "For this reason I say to you, her sins, which are many, have been forgiven, for she loved much; but he who is forgiven little, loves little." (Luke 7:39-47, NASB).

Let us learn from this woman and love much because we have been forgiven much.

And truly I say to you, wherever the gospel is preached in the whole world, that also which this woman has done shall be spoken of in memory of her.
(Mark 14:9, NASB).


Your brother and friend, Michael

An Empowering of Light

Yolanda Ballard

Be still and know that I am God. Clothe yourself with My armor of light and march out to fight the evil one. Take back what the enemy has tried to steal from you, for I am for you and no weapon formed against you can prosper. For this is the time for the end time harvest. Do not allow the enemy to sidetrack you from what really matters, and that is to draw the lost into the net.

Reach out and know that I am faithful to anoint you and to give you the words to say so that you may touch their hearts with My love and glory. Reap that which you have sown by faith for now is the time to march in and take the land back from the evil one. Rise up and be bold and join ranks. Yes, you are to be in unity for you cannot make it on your own.

Submit to those I have assigned over you to care for your soul. For yes, I have raised up true pastors, those who will stand with you in this great end time battle. For yes, you must trust them for I have spoken wisdom into their hearts on your behalf and for your loved ones. For I have given them the Father's heart on behalf of His flock. They love you with a passion to see you free and that you rise up as mighty warriors against the evil one.

Once again I beseech you to cast down the vain imaginations of suspicion and doubt for I am not out to rob you of your calling but to prepare you for a double portion of My Spirit. So humble yourself before My throne of grace and open your heart to receive a deeper revelation of My plan and purpose for your life. Reach out and know that I am faithful to complete the work that I have begun in you.

Do not look at the circumstances in the natural. Stand on My word alone and trust Me to keep My promises to you of healing, of prosperity, of spiritual abundance in your life. Do not doubt but believe and receive all that I have for you for this is a time of restoration. Yes, it is a time of healing and to take back all that is yours. Rise up and be bold and rest in Me and I will take you to the other the land flowing with milk and honey, of abundance for I have promised you a life of abundance. Do not settle for less than the best.

Be excited, My holy ones, for you are not defeated. You are just going through transition, a time of restlessness, a time of not knowing how to handle what is happening, a time of travail and of birthing. But you need to cry out to Me for the strength you need. Cry out for My presence and My anointing to take you through. For you are My warriors and I am preparing you for the next level of warfare. Greater breakthrough entails greater warfare, but you will press through and succeed for it is I who has called you and raised you up.

You are Mine and I will lead you in the battle and together we will draw in the multitudes. Rest in Me, My holy ones. Reap a harvest untold of until this day, the greatest ever! So be ready for an empowering of light that will blind the evil one, those of his camp and will draw in those I gave My life for. For yes, I died that all will have life, but My remnant must rise up and be the end time conquerors to bring it all forth. Be faithful to your calling. It is not time to slack off. Do not go by feelings but by faith and you will succeed in Me.

Cast your cares upon Me. Let the past drop away and step into new beginnings for today is the beginning of a new day to rise up as the overcomers I have called you to be. So march on, My holy ones, and rest in My joy, My strength, to carry you through for yes, this is a new day in Me, says your God.

A New Breed Of Prophet

Marsha Burns

Behold, I am removing the false prophets from high and lofty places, for the pride of their hearts has deceived them. They have exalted themselves as the eagle and have set their nests among the stars. But, I will bring them down and destroy those who are wise in their own eyes. Yes, but I am also raising up and bringing forth a new breed of prophet whose hearts are set on Me alone. They will not speak from their own understanding, but will wait for a word from Me. They will only declare what they hear in the secret place of thunder. And, when they prophesy it will be with great power and clarity; they are indeed the sons of thunder who bring forth the hidden mysteries and treasures of My kingdom. Watch and be amazed, for I will release them shortly.

Faith Tabernacle
Kremmling, Colorado


Carylann Hartley

Worship is not just a state of mind it is also an action. It requires strength, stamina and endurance. It is the physical act of doing what is in the spirit as much as it is the spirit soaring into the heavenlies. If you are afraid to step out how can I bless you with all that I have for you? I am waiting for those that are willing to "step out of the boat" and go forth in victory. I will be there to guide you and direct you but I will not push you.

Worship is to become a part of you in ways that you have not yet understood. It is to be as much a part of your daily activity as walking or reading your Bible. It is to be a "way of life." Worship involves all of you, your eyes to see into the spirit realm, your ears to hear what I am telling you, your mouth to sing praises and glorify My name, your mind to think on Me, you arms and hands to be raised toward the heavens as you surrender yourself to me, your feet to take you where I am leading you and to dance before Me, and every cell in your body to cry out for more of Me.

This is not only a day of jubilee and promise but also a day of much tribulation and fear. It will all depend on you as to what you experience. Can you trust me to guide you and always be there for you? Will you let Me show you how I want you to worship instead of trying to figure it out on your own? I am wanting ALL of you, not just part. It is easy for you to give me part of you but I tell you today that if you are not willing and ready to relinquish those things that you have been holding onto I cannot allow you to enter into the realms of Glory that I have prepared for you. Take courage and know that "I will not leave you nor forsake you." I am going to show you things that you have never seen or even dreamed of as you draw closer to me and come behind the veil into the Holy of Holies. Many will scoff at you and say that you have gone too far but know that it is them for they have not gone far enough!

Come soar with Me to new heights and listen to all that I will tell you. Beware though as the enemy is trying to speak also. Know My voice so that you cannot be deceived! Be prepared! Be on the alert! Listen closely! Follow Me and do not fear. The enemy would have you walk in fear and think that you are alone. You are not alone. There are many that are wanting to follow Me into this new dimension. Even if there were not you would never be alone as I will always be with you! Know that I will never ask of you that which I have not prepared you for. I know you and I know what you can do, even when you do not think you can do it. There are new dimensions of worship that you have not seen or tasted but they are awaiting you. Do not lean on your own understanding but rely on Me and on My Word. Do you hear Me calling? Know My Word and listen to My voice. Come, draw closer, ever closer and soar with Me into the place that I have prepared for you and you alone. Come, come for I am waiting expectantly for you! I am longing to meet you there. Come!

Times of Extraordinary Crisis

A. W. Tozer

So I said: "Woe is me, for I am undone! Because I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips; for my eyes have seen the King, the Lord of hosts." --Isaiah 6:5

Let a flood or a fire hit a populous countryside and no able-bodied citizen feels that he has any right to rest till he has done all he can to save as many as he can. While death stalks farmhouse and village no one dares relax; this is the accepted code by which we live. The critical emergency for some becomes an emergency for all, from the highest government official to the local Boy Scout troop. As long as the flood rages or the fire roars on, no one talks of "normal times." No times are normal while helpless people cower in the path of destruction.

In times of extraordinary crisis ordinary measures will not suffice. The world lives in such a time of crisis. Christians alone are in a position to rescue the perishing. We dare not settle down to try to live as if things were "normal." Nothing is normal while sin and lust and death roam the world, pouncing upon one and another till the whole population has been destroyed. Born After Midnight, 30.

"Lord help me to respond like Isaiah, when he saw the extraordinary crisis around him, 'Lord, here am I; send me.' Amen."
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